Become the happiest person you know.
Become the happiest person you know.
The Power Of Positive Thought.
Mindset & Grief Coach
My Mission
Hello lovely people and welcome to the start of your journey.
I am Philippa and I help people navigate life using the power of positive thought, providing emotional and practical support wherever you are in your unique and personal journey. Through my own experience of life and loss, I truly understand how difficult it is trying to overcome challenging emotions to find your happy place once more.
Do not sit in dark any longer, dwelling on what could be. Allow me to show you how special you are, your reason for being and your full potential . You deserve a bright and beautiful life; open the curtains in your home and endeavour to make your lights shine.
Together, we can create growth, change and happiness. I am passionate about helping you see what life has to offer and to build the life you desire. Let’s use our pain and purpose to work towards a new, thriving future, leaving behind a magical legacy to be proud of.
Work with me on discovering your happy;
happy home, happy mind, your happy place.
“Some people are going to reject you because you simply shine too bright for them. That’s ok.
Keep shining.”
I firmly believe there is only one person in life who can make you happy. Who, you ask?
The business of life often leaves us forgetting about ourselves, neglecting our physical and mental well-being. The smallest of actions can create the biggest of impact. We can recognise this simply by understanding and acknowledging the feelings we absorb by simply taking a little stroll in the fresh air. Being with nature is one way we can rejuvenate our soul as it allows us to pause, breathe, reflect and reset. Unintentional self mistreatment or active self sabotage causes us to disconnect from our emotions and inner happiness which can leave us feeling so desperately low and sad. The good news is, this can change. You can become the happiest person you know if you do the work.
Being aware of how we feel, what we believe alongside concentrating on our personal goals and establishing how to switch our lights on again when our minds have been temporarily darkened, will give you the most amazing empowerment. You WILL see results and you WILL feel a shift. There is always hope to find happiness and you most certainly, always have a choice.
Loss in life occurs in various forms and represents itself around many different circumstances so whether you have lost someone dear to you by death or experiencing a different form of personal loss in another light, you are in the right place. I have a unique style of coaching gained through my own experience of love, loss and life, my eagerness to learn and grow combined with my passion for keeping my “home” tidy and decluttered. I coach with care and compassion. This is unbelievably powerful when we recognise that as human kind, we are all mind. This self discovery journey is about understanding how our brains function, how one of the biggest and solid internal organ digests all what life throws at us and how we perceive our reality. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is talking therapy that can help you manage your concerns by reframing the way think and behave. Although I am not a Therapist, I will highlight that now, I am a certified quality Coach who has great knowledge of how this effects the running of our everyday life.
Mindfulness is magical and is scientifically proven to reduce stress. It is also effective in helping you to cope with emotional and physical pain. This is why my coaching examines mindfulness and helps you incorporate it into your everyday life. A lot of our stress comes from not only previous trauma and experiences but also current environmental factors such as having a “messy” home, physically and mentally. We spend most of our time in our immediate environment; either in our home or at the office surrounded by the same people, so it is important to have an organised home and work space to allow us to be free of anxiety, depression and help prevent overthinking and overwhelm. Associating with positive people who bring the best of of us is SO important. I believe that a huge part of my happiness is within my house keeping, ie cleanliness of my home, clarity in friendships and decluttering of negative self talk on top of my extreme gratitude for life. Happy “home”, happy mind! Part of my coaching will give you the key skills to restructure your home life and show you clearly how order and staging/organising within your home will declutter your mind and brighten your soul. This process will allow you to focus on key tasks to drive growth and change in your life. Trust me, I intend to light up your home and mind in every respect.
This journey of self discovery will enable you to dig deep, focus on yourself and provide clarity on what YOU are truly capable of. Let us unleash the you that has always been there hiding within. It is time to SHINE.
Soon I will be opening Group Coaching Sessions which will be an added bonus, the chance to make friends with like minded people, potentially building on your own lifelong support network. Joining ‘Riding The Waves Together’ will be a safe place where we connect and freely open up about life struggles and establish intention, confidence, purpose and more. Today, find out what you are made of by choosing to work with me either through my ‘shine through’ one to one coaching package or ‘Riding The Waves Together’ group coaching (start date to be confirmed), whichever suits you more. Both avenues are empowering and teach you the tools, skills and strategies of how to pin point the sadness, truly know yourself, declutter your mind and grow to find your happy place once more.
As an accredited Mindset & Grief Coach I want to be your guide, your support and help you make better decisions. You can learn to feel happy and focus on betterment.
I want your heart and soul to sparkle.
Group Coaching:
Riding The Waves Together.
A transformational journey with others to connect, support and self discover on a deeper level. A hub for honest thoughts, freedom of expression. A safe place to share our loss, suffering, pain and hurt together. When the water is wild, we can reach out and ride the waves together.
One to One Coaching:
Shine Through.
A personal and unique experience in the comfortable setting of your own home. Allow yourself to discover who you really are, stepping into the life that you desire and dream of.
Your happy place.
“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Where do you see your self in five years time?
Let’s talk about it.
What do you do with your thoughts?
Take a minute to think about your life.
Are you ready to enhance it and make it extraordinary?
Making connections with peers that have experienced similar life challenges to you.
Tools to empower you and support you going forward.
Time to work on the relationship with yourself. Self discovery in leading a life of happiness.
Set yourself free.
Practicing accountability and committing to self care. Happy home, happy mind, your happy place.
A lovely support network and meeting new people. People who become close friends having shared a special bond of self discovery.
My mother used to repetitively tell me as a little girl that I was ‘special’. I grew up believing that I was indeed special, that I had a superpower, a unique way in which I could talk to people. I had the ability to always see the positive in life. She made me feel alive and see life for what it is, wonderful. However, as I got bigger I started to become uncertain about the thought and feeling of being special, wasn’t I just the same as everyone else?
At the age of 21, I sadly had to say a heart breaking goodbye to my Mum. She grew her wings far too early but not before spreading the upmost kindness to the world.
My biggest fan and my one and only heroine rested so I had to search for where that left me.
Time drifted by until I finally found my super power, my reason, my purpose, my why. My eagerness to help others to become the happiest they can be and to knowingly appreciate life in the here and now. To be present and feel grateful of what we have today is quite something and I am learning to remember and heal with more love than pain. I have found my meaning in life and feel truly happy again. My inner self is now at peace having lost Mum, which mirrors my external well being. Losing someone dear to me gave me the truest insight on life, I feel it, I really feel it.
I think this makes me special. Doesn’t it?
Life is beyond beautiful and can be appreciated with the whole of your heart if you dig deep enough. I lost my mum but I found my reason. Grief & gratitude. Confusion & courage. Hope & heartache all in the same place. Its what we do with it that matters.
I want to use my special sparkle to help you guys find yours.💜